A peak inside my crazy brain. More accurately, a look at the process and fun stuff I perpetually create.

Here to both entertain and inspire you.

(True confession: my sewing room is rarely this neat.)
10 Simple Things (7) - Practice Your Quilting First encouragement finishing machine quilting tips May 05, 2022

You completed the onerous step of basting your quilt now you are ready to dive in with the quilting. Hold up, wait a minute.

Machine quilting can be both infuriating and exhilarating. One way to...

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10 Simple Things (6) - Make Precise Pivots encouragement finishing machine quilting Mar 03, 2022

Still talking about machine quilting and today's tip applies to both straight line and free motion quilting.

Do your best to make precise pivots when you quilt. Slow down as you approach the...

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Naked Quilting encouragement machine quilting tips Jan 26, 2022

Sorry, no risqué picture to go along with this title!

Not being silly about this either. There are advantages to naked quilting. In my trunk show I tell a story about the project pictured...

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Play for the Fun of Playing

There are no expectations on Quilters’ Playcation. Show up for yourself, hang out, sew as little or as much as you want. Nothing you sew on Playcation has to turn into anything. This is all about giving back to yourself and playing for the sake of playing. 

Start Playing!