A peak inside my crazy brain. More accurately, a look at the process and fun stuff I perpetually create.
Here to both entertain and inspire you.
(True confession: my sewing room is rarely this neat.)
Let the record show, I was in the mood to finish quilts.
Frankly, like a lot of us, I love to start a quilt. The rush of a new pile of fabric and a cool idea is palpable sometimes. I generally...
Take some ugly fabric and see what happens. Those were the only instructions I gave myself and the folks gathered in that Playdate.
I chose a bit of brown fabric that has teal and rust and gold...
Not to replace actual therapy, but there are times when the creative act is indeed what we need to move through our feelings.
Pink is a happy colour for me. When I pulled out the sample block that...
The vast majority of my quilts start with an experiment. An idea or an inspiration and an attempt to translate it into fabric.
Sometimes they don't work. I might try again or I just move on. Other...
Taking the time to pull the bobbin thread to the front before you start quilting (if you are starting in the middle of the quilt and not off the edge) then burying the knot after you finish makes...
What a ride! Thank you so much for coming on this adventure with me.
The Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong quilt is all done now. I put the last stitches in the binding just the other day....
Play for the Fun of Playing
There are no expectations on Quilters’ Playcation. Show up for yourself, hang out, sew as little or as much as you want. Nothing you sew on Playcation has to turn into anything. This is all about giving back to yourself and playing for the sake of playing.
Start Playing!