A peak inside my crazy brain. More accurately, a look at the process and fun stuff I perpetually create.

Here to both entertain and inspire you.

(True confession: my sewing room is rarely this neat.)
Scandi Village Top Complete party play Nov 22, 2023

I think this quilt kept getting bigger and bigger because I didn't want to stop making blocks.

Now, here she is, big enough for a bed. A magical spot to sleep, I would imagine. You might dream of...

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Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong 2023 - Month 9 Solids adventure sewalong play Nov 15, 2023

She's just waiting for the last month to finish.

The Treasure Map is almost done. This week was Month 9 on our creative adventure. We made a cave inspired block for our treasure map. Playing with...

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Scandi Village Returns party play Nov 02, 2023

Is it a return if I've never finished the quilt? 

This seems to be a winter project for me. And with the snow that arrived more than a week ago I am sooooo close to finishing up this quilt...

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10 Simple Things (8) - Square Up and Block Your Quilts encouragement finishing Oct 12, 2023

You've finally finished the quilting on your quilt and need to get it ready for binding. It's time to trim the edges. Personally, this is an exciting time. To me, it's when the quilt becomes a...

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Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong Month 7 - Solids adventure sewalong composition play Oct 06, 2023

Moving along on this abstract version of the Adventure Sewalong. It needed a jolt!

I think that pink really serves, don't you? Up next is to get back to a more block like row. This is the abstract...

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Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong 2023 - Month 7 Prints adventure sewalong Sep 26, 2023

It's been a while since I gave a proper update on the Quilters' Playcation Adventure Sewalong.

This is the print version after Month 7 (September). This month we did a compass, as all maps should...

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Play for the Fun of Playing

There are no expectations on Quilters’ Playcation. Show up for yourself, hang out, sew as little or as much as you want. Nothing you sew on Playcation has to turn into anything. This is all about giving back to yourself and playing for the sake of playing. 

Start Playing!