A peak inside my crazy brain. More accurately, a look at the process and fun stuff I perpetually create.

Here to both entertain and inspire you.

(True confession: my sewing room is rarely this neat.)
From Experiment to Playdate! improv play playdate May 11, 2021

Sometimes you just get an idea and have to run with it. It doesn't always work, but when it does...

I've always liked a Square in a Square block. They can be very fun when fussy cutting the...

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Is Seasonal Sewing a thing? finishing process May 04, 2021

Here in Canada the sewing seems to slow down as the sun starts to shine longer and the birds begin singing.

A few years back I asked the question, thinking it was only me, about whether sewing is...

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Every Quilt Tells A Story process quiltmaking Apr 20, 2021

Every quilt tells a story and fabric selection is often the heart of that story. 

Without fabric we wouldn’t have a quilt, so it gets top billing in our story telling. Fabric makes up...

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Learn by Doing encouragement play Apr 13, 2021

Just finished up a virtual class today and had an interesting discussion with students: Do you learn by doing, reading, or seeing?

I confess to being a combination of all three, but I definitely...

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This Would Be Fun crumbs improv play snowballs Apr 07, 2021

Take two ideas and mash them together. Does it work like peanut butter and chocolate or like orange and chocolate?

For the record, I think citrus and chocolate is a nasty combination. This quilt...

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No space? No Excuse for a Lack of Creativity encouragement organization Mar 30, 2021

If we’re lucky, as a kid we had our own bedroom. If we’re really lucky as an adult we have our own craft/sewing room. 

Not that many of us can be so lucky, especially if we have...

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Play for the Fun of Playing

There are no expectations on Quilters’ Playcation. Show up for yourself, hang out, sew as little or as much as you want. Nothing you sew on Playcation has to turn into anything. This is all about giving back to yourself and playing for the sake of playing. 

Start Playing!